Author: BCadmin

  • If It Feels Good, Don’t Do It

    If It Feels Good, Don’t Do It

    It is human nature to seek comfort and complacency; we tend to do that which makes us feel good. As most understand, this is not a recipe for success. In the arena of small to medium sized businesses, the owners of these businesses are often the founders of the businesses and the most productive elements…

  • Setup in Less than Thirty Minutes: Create a Strategy About What is Important and a Schedule to Accomplish Important Tasks

    Setup in Less than Thirty Minutes: Create a Strategy About What is Important and a Schedule to Accomplish Important Tasks

    How do you accomplish what is important? It takes discipline and scheduling to accomplish tasks that are important but not urgent. These tasks are recognized as important, yet many people cannot accomplish important tasks such as becoming fluent in a language, learning to play a musical instrument, or writing a personal or business plan because…

  • The Wealth Building Event

    The Wealth Building Event

    Business risk is the risk that the business will falter and the entire investment of time and money the owner placed in the business will be lost. For most business owners the motivation for starting a business is that at some point there will be a wealth building event from business ownership. But it is…

  • Give God a Chuckle

    Give God a Chuckle

    There is a well-known Yiddish proverb (der mentsh trakht un got lakht) that man plans and God laughs. It makes you smile because even though you try to prepare for the future, there is always something unexpected happening. As we confront unforeseen obstacles, we are constantly reminded of how difficult it is to predict the…

  • Strategic Planning – an Oxymoron?

    Strategic Planning – an Oxymoron?

    Is “strategic planning” an oxymoron? Asking that question and considering an answer gives us a clearer way to look at strategic thinking that will make our planning more effective and make our businesses more profitable. Strategic thinking involves considering the probability of future events, while planning involves detailed descriptions of actions to be taken with…

  • Why You Should be Able to Articulate Your Values

    Why You Should be Able to Articulate Your Values

    Most of us do not wear our values on our sleeves. There are many reasons for this – most of them social. Regardless of social norms, in the arena of business ownership, each of the owners of a business should be able to articulate to the other owners their personal values with respect to the…

  • The Smell of Fear

    The Smell of Fear

    What feeling do you have when you see something different in the workplace? What about encountering a new experience? What if someone suggests something that is “off the wall?” Is someone laughing when you do not know what is funny? Do you have an impulse to make fun of something that is new or different?…

  • Dynamic Planning – Like a Guided Missile

    Dynamic Planning – Like a Guided Missile

    A traditional business plan determines action to be taken to accomplish the plan goals and monitors the effect of those actions in reaching the plan goals. If the goals are not reached, the plan is revised and the process repeated. The launch of the business plan is much like the launch of a missile, a…

  • Wait for the Fork

    Wait for the Fork

    I advocate group decision-making, but am often asked: “what exactly is the role of the leader where there is a group involved?” Not understanding that leadership role can lead to humiliation and lack of credibility – not to mention bad results. By understanding the leadership role in group decision-making and waiting for the fork, you…

  • Do Your Co-owner’s Plans for the Business Include You?

    Do Your Co-owner’s Plans for the Business Include You?

    Most businesses are founded on assumptions. Founders with a common purpose initiate the business, and, upon its profitability, assume that all owners share the same goals and interests. What do you know about your co-owner’s plans for the business? Have you simply assumed that all of the other owners have the same interests and desires?…